4 Types of Choices.
Treating each choice the same would be a mistake, and such a mistake is more critical than you might think. This article shows how you can 4 different kinds of choices.
There are multiple types of choices. You cannot use the same strategy for each choice, therefore identifying them is crucial for making the right decisions. Treating each choice the same would be a mistake, and such a mistake is more critical than you might think.
One of the easiest ways to observe how to not make choices is to look at how stressed people make choices. While growing up, I noticed quite a few stressed people, adults, children, and students alike. I am not a doctor, but one thing that always caught my eye is how stressed-out people tend to make choices.
Mostly, I saw them treat every choice the same: all the choices were hard and impactful, and they spent too much time figuring them out, thus hurting their mental health. Even a simple choice of 'what do I want to eat today' would take hours and waste all their mental energy. As if the choice was just as important as deciding what direction you want to take in life. The amount of care you give choices matters, and it matters a lot.
This is an extract from the book: Dragon Fire Method.
4 Types of Choices.
To simplify the spectrum of choices, I came up with a simple quadrant, which outlines two axes: speed and importance. Ultimately, that is all that matters when it comes to choices. Firstly, is the choice important? Second, do I need to choose fast or have time to think?
With these axes, you get 4 boxes:
- Slow impactful choices
- Impactful quick choices
- Slow unimportant choices
- Quick unimportant choices
Now, the top row is where you want to spend your time. These are the choices that can change your life and have a real impact. You have two choices that can change your life: slow choices, where you have time to think, and quick choices, where you need to be fast.
It's also just as important to look at the bottom of the graphs. The unimportant choices. These choices also come up, and you need a solid strategy to eliminate them quickly.
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Each of these choices needs to be treatment different. How you treat these choice defines how you can life your life. You don't want to get stressed over unimportant choices. You also don't want to miss out on an important choice which needs to be made quickly.
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